Honor Diversity, Nurture Character, Prevent Bullying
Character Development and Anti-Bullying Resources
Stories To Light Our Way
Create a school climate that honors diversity, nurtures character, and discourages bullying seamlessly within Common Core Standards. Award-winning Stories to Light Our Way is presented through 11 quickly internalized, powerful stories, from diverse cultures. Available in Pre-K to 8 modules, with audio CD.
Change The Story Game
Have you ever felt like you had no control over your life or the world around you? “Change the Story” was created as a learning game allowing students, and adults, to take control of their lives and the world around them and learn character education.
Change The Story Game allows students to control aspects of their life they may not have control of as well as adults showing them that they are in control of their future “Students want their studies to be relevant to their lives and feel they can have an impact on the world around them. Using “Change the Story” they can link project-based learning to service learning to help solve some of the intractable problems of our times.” – Ralph Singh
Professional development –
Half-day or full day sessions to help teachers seamlessly embed stories and narrative in CCS ELA with cross-curricular and ELL/special needs adaptations to create a school climate that nurtures character, honors diversity, and discourages bullying. We can also offer brief orientation sessions depending on your needs.
Our training sessions are aidable under Co-ser 533 “School Improvement” through CiTi (Oswego County Boces)
N.B. if you are an educator using Stories to Light Our Way or any of our other products please register for our private Educators Facebook page where teachers are posting comments, pictures, and ideas on how they are using the materials
Look for an announcement of our Google hang-out for regular live chats with Ralph Singh.
We are also developing distance learning modules, especially with the winter soon upon us.