Have fun! Be creative!
A Virtual Opportunity for families and students

During these difficult times – self-control strategies help us control our emotions, learning to overcome our fears and keep calm; and also help us to remember that by using healthy practices we are also helping others.
Guide for Creating Poster
The poster must include the character, Snappy, and refer to lessons found in the story “The Turtle Who Just Couldn’t Keep His Mouth Shut”. It should show how we can help slow the spread of COVID 19 by using self-control strategies, “holding onto our sticks,” to control our emotions, and by using healthy practices.
Self-Control Strategies
- Meditative moments
- Mindful breathing
- Count to 3
- Close your eyes
- Talk to an adult or friend
- Sit on your hands
- Stop, think, say/go
- Walk away
- Take a break
Healthy Practices
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Use hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water
- Practice Social Distancing – stay at least 6’ apart when in public
- Cover your cough and sneeze into a tissue and discard (or your elbow)
- Stay home if you are sick
- Wear a mask
- Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces regularly

- The poster can be created digitally or handmade (scan or take clear photo and upload).
- The poster should illustrate or describe both a self-control strategy and a healthy practice.
- All information and spelling on each poster should be correct.
- The poster must include an illustration of Snappy.
- Posters should be creative and colorful using any art supplies/program(s) you have available to you.
- Share your poster through this page or if needed by email to(posters[at]wisdomthinkers.org).
Poster Tool Kit
Here are a few items to get you started, especially for our younger participants. We’re looking forward to seeing all of your creations!